Birds Of A Feather Need Not Flock Together

It has been well said that for a church to possess true spiritual life, there must be a unifying of the generations. The sad reality is that with each generation comes a greater isolation to one's own age group. I'm certainly not an advocate for FIC but I am most certainly an advocate of church life that encourages and encompasses generations co-mingling in life and ministry. Doing so not as though it were odd and strange but normal and a blessing.

The word of God speaks to this I believe in Proverbs 13:20:

"He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm".

One thing is for certain is that wisdom and age don't always have perfect correlation for foolishness and wisdom can be found at either end of the age spectrum. Yet, more often than not youth hasn't had foolishness knock off by the storms and trials of life.

When we have churches where the youth rarely if ever do life on life with the more seasoned, mature saint then often foolish living is passed on to others living foolishly and harm is the end result.

Make it your aim in all of life and ministry to move among generations different than yours and be blessed as a result. Birds of a feather need not flock together.


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