A Word To The Discerning: From Sun Up To Sun Down

It has been well said that the major deficiency among Christians, churches, and pastors the world over today is a severe lack of discernment. That is true and is also a far bigger problem than we perhaps are even aware of.

A helpful definition of discernment: "discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong, discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right". Yet, like many things there is a hyper position that can be held (think, hyper-Calvinism and hyper-grace) and when it comes to discernment there is certainly a hyper-discernment approach. I want to present a helpful balance because running too far in either direction can be detrimental both individually and corporately. There seems to be two (speaking, obviously, with a broad-brush) types of people: Those that live as though almost every one is a false teacher and those that live like there is not a single false teacher in the world today. Sadly, the reality is that the latter hold down the majority position and thus proving the deficiency of discernment in our day.

A word to the discerning Christian, pastor, blogger, and content creator of our day:

If you are, from sun up to sun down, given to attacking theological error then, I would submit, you are out of balance and off kilter. To the detriment of your own (and others) spiritual well being. Here is why:

The greatest  combat to theological error is theological truth. Focus upon that truth and let that fly forth. Paul didn't specifically say to Timothy devote yourself to discernment, he called him, and everyone else, to devote himself to theological truth. When you work for a bank they don't give you all the false currency to look at instead they give you the true currency to study so that having known the truth everything is false. This is exactly how we cultivate discernment in an undiscerning age.

If you find yourself from sun up to sun down attacking error with your theological revolver then now is the time to put that thing in the holster. It needs to be there and used when required. Just not all day, every day.

For those who have little to zero discernment (and therefore make la-la land your home), please study the truth of God's word and see that we do indeed live in perilous times where falsehood abounds.

We just don't need to focus on it all the time.

The truth of God's word on the other hand, now that is worthy of all day attention; sun up to sun down.

And to prevent one from running too far in either direction and particularly those given to the millennial mantra, "I would rather be known for what I am for rather than for what I am against", take heed of these excellent words from Dr. S. J. Lawson:

"If you stand for something (truth), that necessitates that you stand upon something (the Bible) and stand against something (error).


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